Star Wars - 219 - X-Wing 01 - Rogue Squadron by Michael A. Stackpole

Star Wars - 219 - X-Wing 01 - Rogue Squadron by Michael A. Stackpole

Author:Michael A. Stackpole
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
ISBN: 9780307796219
Publisher: Spectra
Published: 2011-06-27T07:00:00+00:00

jaw. How long has it been since I slept? "You could have requested a supplemental report, or asked me to report to you aboard Home One and saved yourself the trip."

"I thought of that, but I knew another report from you would be light in bytes and that you would refuse to leave your people, so I chose to save myself the annoyance." Ackbar stared through the viewport at the two men in the tank.

"Besides, the tone of the Provisional Council meetings is beginning to wear on me. The fate of Rogue Squadron is important enough that I was able to slip away without being accused of running."

The Corellian looked over at his commander. "Are things that acrimonious?"

"I probably exaggerate. Politicians tend to view soldiers like their pet Cyborrean battle dogs."

"And soldiers don't like to be considered pets." Ackbar's barbels twitched slightly. "Since we are the ones who get bitten and bleed and die, we tend to resist plans that are politically expedient but militarily suicidal." He tapped his hand against the viewport. "Is the picture of what happened there any more clear?"

"Not yet. The basics are the samethree pilots seriously wounded, one dead, and all six sentries dead. A number of others have cuts and scrapes. It should have been much worse but it looks as if the stormtroopers wanted to plant the explosives, withdraw, then arm and detonate them by remote. Had they just put them on timers we would have lost equipment and people before we found them all. A full platoon was operating on Talasea. We got all of them and captured the Delta DX-9 Transport they came in on."

"Hardly worth the cost, but a good thing, nonetheless." Wedge nodded. "The ones we capturedtwo stormtroopers and all five of the transport's crew refuse to talk. I have them in detention, isolated from each other. I've had an Emdee-oh and Emdee-one droid engaged in postmortems of the troopers we killed. With luck something will give us an idea where they came from."

"And Talasea was evacuated?"

"Yes, sir. We expect Imperials to come looking for whatever got their people, so we set up some booby traps and other surprises for whoever follows us in there." Wedge sighed heavily. "I have a list of what we left behind in case we ever have cause to go back."

The Mon Calamari nodded slowly. "What is the mood of your unit?" Wedge turned and pressed his back against the cool transparisteel. He just wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep, and he feared he'd do just that if he did close his eyes. "We're all stunned and exhausted. Losing Lujayne came as a shock. She wasn't the best pilot in the unit, and not one to take chances, so none of us had her pegged as someone who would die first. Corran or Bror or Shiel were easy to picture going out in a blaze of gloryand Corran almost did. Lujayne was a fighter, so having her die in her sleep was, well, it just made it worse.


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